The Dilke Hospital Pyramid

Dilke Hospital Pyramid

Dilke Hospital Pyramid

June 2011

In the UK, government cuts were wiping out local hospitals like the Dilke in the Forest of Dean. People rallied to save it. Local Brownie units came to the aid of the Snowball Gang making lots of snowballs to make the pillars of this pyramid. It became a feature of the FOD Open Studios event 2011 and raised funds to help save the hospital.

This project had another important role. It was used as a test to see how long it could withstand UK weather conditions. For a year, it was still bearing up. When it was dismantled in June 2012, the snowballs were reused to create Land Art installations in Scotland.

The pyramid that comes next is The Snowball Gang’s Forest Canopy Project. (to be published shortly)


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